Saturday, February 4, 2012

Drunk post

Ahh. It's Friday night, and it's me & the dog watching movies. I just watched Quantum of Solace, because I have a weakness for James Bond. And after 5 shots of Tullamore Dew, I feel compelled to add to my List of Sexy Men: Daniel Craig.
I love this guy in his movies (aside from the grievous error of Cowboys and Aliens. I was so excited about that movie...Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, cowboys, aliens? My God, it was a combo that -should- have been awesomeness embodied. Sadly, it sucked. Dialog - corny. Plot - corny. Harrison & Daniel - hot. But I digress...

This guy's chiseled facade, his guarded expression, and the absolutely kick ass roles he has played just thrill me. I admired him in Tomb Raider, opposite Angelina Jolie. But really, my admiration flowered fully in Quantum of Solace. He's bad ass, tough as nails, strong, lean, agile, hard-edged, but with a purpose. With a duty. And he's dogged. He's loved, been hurt badly, and emerges as a honed, hard and determined man. His character covers his emotions with almost robotic purpose, but you see glimpses of his feelings occasionally, seething but controlled. I love this, I'm not sure why. The role of M's "dog" suits him extremely well-I love his interactions, his relationship, with her. Judy Dench rocks- that's a pairing made in filmmaker's heaven.

Haunted, driven, determined, dogged - this character appeals to me. It's not the best movie ever filmed, nor is it intellectual or a movie that will change the world...but I love watching it and love watching him in it.

Did I mention the Tullamore Dew? I don't do Irish Whiskey much (or any whiskey, for that matter), but I'm here alone with a stack of movies and I'm not driving anywhere. I'm a grownup. I'm drinking it by the shot, so it's just a little at at time, though I think I have lost count. It will be interesting to read this tomorrow, as my head pounds and I sip coffee, to see what I've said, how I' ve typed, and see if I still agree with myself. Hey. It's my space, I can vent, drool, gush, drunk-post if I want to. I don't often, so cut me some slack. Also, I'm not a mean drunk, I'm an affectionate drunk. I suppose it's a good thing I'm alone, given that.

Where were we? ...Daniel Craig. Yes. I persist in the bad habit of associating actors closely with their characters. I don't go for just appearances, I look for certain qualities, which are of course, enhanced in the movies. I love his James Bond. I think I've mentioned Russel Crowe in Gladiator....personally, I think he's a jerk in real life, but his character in Gladiator? I am drawn to that man. I realize that's what the filmmakers have intended and I'm totally buying into it. Hey, every girl needs a fantasy or two. Daniel Craig is mine at the moment. This picture is my favorite -------------->

I think I'm done for now. Next, I'm going to watch one of my very favorite movies, The Usual you may get a post about Kevin Spacey, whom I like very much. Hopefully, I will still have enough of my wits about me to make it readable.

Cheers, affectionate hugs, many blessings, yadayada. I hope your Friday night is more eventful, but at least as pleasurable, as mine.
Woops. Must not leave out beach shot. /whistle.


Wayne said...

Funny coincidence that I'm reading the original book of 'Casino Royale' at the moment, and a colleague and I spent a good part of last week talking about the Usual Suspects- pretty much ambushing each other with one line in particular. Last night I watched a film called 'OldBoy', which is brilliant. It is being remade is the west with Will Smith as 'Mr. Monster' but I don't think it will work.

dragonfly said...

Which line? My favorite is, "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled..."

Wayne said...

It was the 'line up' line. It's about as classy as things get in that place, but it raised a smile.

dragonfly said...

I did not have a hangover (oddly). Tonight, I start on recapping the first three Underworld movies, as the new one just came out in theaters. I'm spending a lot of time by myself for now, kind of regrouping. While I crave company, I know I need to get my feet back under me first.
I haven't heard of OldBoy, but I looked it up in IMBD.It looks like a good movie.

Wayne said...

I never got round to watching the Underworld movies but I will. It's good that you're taking time out for yourself. When things get out of hand, we have to remember to breath and concentrate on that. I think you'd enjoy OldBoy, the top comment on a trailer for it is "if you have an open mind you'd realize this movie is one the most beautiful tragedies ever made".

They tell 'him' in it, "people shrivel up because of their imagination. Imagine nothing and you'll become brave as hell". Then he laughs in his tortures face.

dragonfly said...

I'll watch for it - thank you for the recommendation.
Hope your weekend was wonderful.