Saturday, January 16, 2010

Too cold for snow

It's -25F in Fairbanks today- that's a MINUS.


-25F is a lot nicer than the -40F of last week, but when we have an extended cold-snap of super sub-zero weather, it just all feels COLD after awhile. It's comparatively mild to some winters I remember when I was growing up here, but, hey, I'm older now. The cold kinda seeps in, along with the urge to eat starchy food and hibernate.

We're all still doing our thing, though- going to work, school, basketball games, grocery shopping, and fun inside stuff like the movies. My brave son is out skiing today- he's got a good dose of genetic material from the Scandinavian part of my family, I think. Life goes on and thankfully, we're equipped to deal with it. That applies to a lot of situations, don't you think?

Someone send me some warm :)


Alaskan Dave Down Under said...

I guess now wouldn't be a good time to mention that it's also really cold down here in South Oz this morning.

So I won't.

OT: You asked for a pic of the front of the furry critter... Just remember, YOU asked!

It's now been updated with a full frontal pic of the cute, lovable, furry, critter.

Lee Ryan said...

Hey - it's warm down here in CA. You can have some; no problem. :-)

dragonfly said...

D- Geesh, that is creepy, though he looks more creepy in the other creepy picture with those long creepy legs and creepy coloring, did I say creepy? Though, he almost does look warm&fuzzy in the face picture!

LR- thank you! Where can I pick that up? ;)

Lee Ryan said...


Suddenly Fourty said...

I can't even begin to fathom what subzero temperatures of the types you have there are like (your Nordic blood is apparently serving you all well!). Here's a bit of warm for you: We just came home from a sunny morning spent at the beach. :)

dragonfly said...

LR: my daughter & I were in California around this time last year, in Sonoma. It was cool & rainy, but a nice break (and much warmer) than here.

Fourty: the beach sounds lovely! Thanks for the warm :)