Saturday, March 10, 2012

Whether far or soon

I love this song, it always makes my heart soar/sore. (haha)I don't associate it with anyone in particular but it just makes me frickin' happy when I hear it. I've heard an acoustic version but this one just does it for me. It's nicely put together. Whatever it is, I like it.

It's gloriously sunny here. Warm enough to get out in, blazingly bright from sun & snow & blue sky, a perfect winter day. time to get oustide.

Here's me, taken last night.


Wayne said...

It is a very nice song, I can understand why it makes you feel the way it does.
Your eyes are deeply engaging. I always thought so.

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Greetings, earthling. You cannot stay here; you must decide: after thy demise, you made thy choice. God bless you